The Shards of Etherious:
Book 3
Everything on this page is subject to change.
Awakened is a work in progress and nothing is set in stone.
Beaten but not broken.
the Gods gather their remaining forces and drive for the heart of Oppenfauld.
Rodrick Corwyn, once Avatar, Harbinger of the Void, unwilling vassal and spirit anchor to the Mother Tree, will take the head from the snake at any cost to atone for his crimes… even though both friend and foe seam cut from the same cloth.
Wrath whispers of vengeance, freedom and the consequences of abandoning one’s rightful lord and with each passing day he makes more and more sense.
Rodrick has little choice but to forge on and see this war through to its final outcome. For when the gods go to war, there can be only one victor.
The only problem is none of them are fit to rule, And Rodrick would kill them all, if he could.
Completion estimate
Address from the Author.
If you are here need to know when you can get your hands Awakened.
It will be done when it’s done. This is a complex series and I want to do it right. I have been dreaming about writing Awakened for years and I am finally here. I am working every day and will complete this series. If you would like me to publish faster, tell everyone you know about The Shards of Etherious so I can write full time. Join the mailing list to be the first to know when it releases.
Best of all, you could joint my Advanced Reader Team. You get the book for FREE all I require in return is an Honest Amazon Review. Review are the lifeblood of an indie author’s success, so if you’re interested please send me a message via my contact page and I will add you to the A.R.T.
I will admit that two cliffhangers in a row is B.S. and I plan a satisfying ending to Awakened. However, Awakened will not be the final book in the series. This is a very dark series, with a cruel world, hard selfish characters, brutal magics and above all realism. I will stay true to the soul of this series, which is a Grimdark / Dark Fantasy, but the brightest light comes in the darkest of nights.
Hopefully you are with me to the end. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Colin J.D. Crooks.